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From Prescription Painkillers to Heroin Addiction

There is a startling new trend is developing in the world of both medicine and illicit drug use. People are switching from prescription painkillers to heroin and sometimes back again. This creates a heroin addiction that is like no other.

Reasons Behind the Change in Addiction

Although the exact correlation is unclear, there are many factors that may contribute to prescription painkillers acting as a gateway to heroin addiction. One of these factors appears to be the availability of heroin in light of the Drug Enforcement Administration cracking down on doctors who prescribe painkillers.

Heroin is a cheaper, sometimes easier to find alternative to the highly controlled prescription opiates. Those that suffer from chronic pain or opiate addiction sometimes turn to heroin as an answer to being cut off by their doctor.

According to the New York Times, the rise in heroin addiction may be attributed to prescription painkiller use at a young age. Some government agencies report that as the rates of prescription opiate abuse go up, so does the rate of heroin addiction.

What is Being Done About the Rise in Heroin Addiction?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the strongest risk factor for heroin addiction is prescription opiate / opioid addiction. This risk factor may be controlled by significant improvements in both treatments and access to treatment.

Many doctors are now recognizing the need for continuing treatment for chronic pain conditions despite the risk of opiate addiction. With drugs such as methadone and Suboxone now readily available, it is easier to treat chronic pain without the issues associated with stronger less controllable prescription opiates.

Unfortunately, as prescription painkiller addiction continues to rise, so does the risk of heroin addiction. The pull of opiates is so strong that once you are addicted to either drug, you always feel it. The only way to be completely free of opiate addiction is to go through a comprehensive treatment program that includes a significant amount of aftercare.

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